Leverage AI to find your next 🦄 investment

Harness the power of AI to easily grade and pre-screen
early-stage and seed-stage startup investments

Only take the most promising founder calls

Luminant AI was created to allow investors to skip long pitch decks and needless founder calls

Gain Faster Investment Signals

Make faster, data-driven investments with AI-powered analysis. Receive instant investment grades (A-F) and comprehensive reports, eliminating lengthy manual assessments.

Make Early Due Diligence Effortless

Automate your early due diligence with a customizable investment form. Gather crucial information from founders or input data yourself, adapting to your preferred workflow.

Improve Your Investing Business

Visualize your investment trends with an intuitive analytics dashboard. Identify emerging opportunities and make strategic decisions backed by real-time data.

“Using Luminant AI allows me to assess startups 10x faster... Early due diligence used to take me days, now it takes me minutes.”
Al Rey
Angel Investor

Make analyzing startups effortless

VCs and Angel Investors can now pre-screen companies faster using AI to analyze the most important data.

Data at your fingertips

  • Receive an accurate data-driven investment grade (A-F)
  • Access a "single pane window" of important company data
  • Keep a pulse on your potential investment by tracking news

Get started with Luminant AI today.

Ready to find your next winning startup investment?